Friday, 1 June 2012


I Love Autumn!!(c: Crisp fresh days, vibrant multicoloured leaves falling from the trees, early nights snuggled under the doona.
I hadn't taken Jack to a park since summer, and when we got together with Kristy and Farrah at punchbowl it was a lovely day and I thought I must do this more before the weather really gets cold/wet/dreary.

Today we went to the 'cute' park as Jack calls it-the tute park, Jack had a lovely time playing while I took photos and Charlie sat in awe watching the leaves fall from the trees.

We didn't stay long as it was lunch time and I had promised Jack McDonalds. Uugh-it seemed like a good idea at the time. Jack played with his Happy meal toy all afternoon, a little transformer plane, that is until he lost it. I was sitting on the couch expressing (Jack asks do I have milk in my boobies? No Jack. Yes I do!) He keeps telling me he can't find his plane, I tell him to pick up random things to see if it is under them...if you tidied up your toys you might be able to find it. Then when I look around It is mostly my stuff, washing baskets, clothes, bags, kitchen chairs (I had mopped the floors, at least I had accomplished something today) He asks if I am sitting on it. No I reply, surely I would know if I was, so I get up to help him look, still expressing even though there are people standing in the street and they could probably see me. After looking for what felt like ages I ask where were you last playing with it, he pointed to the couch, as I go over to it, there is his plane right next to where I was sitting...he said see I told you you were sitting on it.

Mr Miller arrives home and takes Jack to get some bread for tea, aah my chance to get the house back in order, well my mess in the loungeroom at not to be... Charlie now needs that bottle I had expressed for him, always happens, I need to record Jacks happenings because whenever he is at school or goes to bed Charlie is unsettled. It is a good thing he drinks it quick and after a quick burp I plonk him in the highchair to watch me run around like a headless chicken...why is it that we mums can achieve so much without a 31/2 year old around. I see the outside sensor light come on and realise my 20 minutes of peace cleaning up is over. And they will want tea, not much of a tea tonight- eggs on toast, but Jack just wants toast. After his toast Mr Miller gives him 3 small pieces of chocolate they brought home from the supermarket. We then made a cubby house out of cushions, matresses and blankets. Jack was not impressed with it, and pulled it all down and proceeded to jump all over it! Before Jacks bedtime we watched some of the videos I have captured on my camera of him. It is amazing how much he has changed in the last 6 months he seemed so little, and he sounds like he is a little English boy at times. I said where has my baby gone? He said here I am I am getting bigger, I said I know, I don't want you to grow up. Jack said I don't want to grow up(c:

So Jack went to bed at 7.30ish, I head back to the loungeroom and hear him cough a bit but don't think much of it as he has had a cough/cold...he doesn't stop then I hear a wierd noise and I go and check on him, he is sitting up, I turn the light on and he has vomited on his bed, he continues to cough and vomit all over his bed as I get the potty from under it. I yell out to Mr Miller. Jack continues to gag/choke/vomit in the potty and scares the hell out of me, he is obviously upset, I yell out To Mr Miller again, this time he comes down, has a look of panic on his face but it disappears and he takes control saying it's ok buddy, lets get you to the bathroom. Jack says "I don't know what to do" Poor little monkey. I can't believe how much there is!! I start to clean up his bed, Mr Miller says walk beside me with the potty I can hear it in his tummy, but he makes it to the bathroom where he makes noises, Mr Miller puts him in the bathtub where he vomits again with a scared look on his face, he seems to stop and Mr Miller gets in the shower with him where he stops and starts chatting like nothing has happened. I go to clean his bed up and am surprised how well I coped. (When a child spewed at work during my child care career I could not handle it at all and would end up gagging and have to leave the room, they say it is different when it is your own child-must be true. This is the first time he has spewed) I remake his bed and i'm so glad he missed Ba Ba-his teddy bear. So after a shower a drink and some crackers and a cuddle with Dadda it was back to bed, hopefully for a good nights sleep. Poor Charlie heard the fiasco and woke up, dummy popped back in and he went back to sleep.
McDonalds, chocolate, jumping a bottle of water and a coughing fit are a bad combination!!

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