Thursday, 17 May 2012

Breast vs Bottle

I had a bit of difficulty breast feeding Jack as I had soo much milk he would practically drown in it!! I had to sort of lie down so he had to work for it. I was preparing to feed Jack until about 1 then he would go on cows milk and not have bottles at all, it's funny how things work out and not how you planned...I have learnt to go with the flow. Jack was a terrible sleeper waking all the time at night and I would just feed him to get him to go back off. But he was probably waking cause he was full and in pain. I gave Jack a formula bottle one evening and it made his night worse. So when he was 7 months we went to walker house to get some help and did control crying, it was horrible at the time but it worked and 3 years later he is an excellent sleeper. I went back to giving him a formula bottle and after that he refused to take the breast and weaned himself, and I was ok with that.

Jack 5 months

I also had difficulty feeding Charlie in the beginning but because I didn't have enough milk!! And Charlie was a 'lazy' drinker, he would latch on and then go back to sleep so my milk wasn't producing more. It got better then he got a cold and would latch on then come off and cry!! It was very frustrating, and I ended up expressing and giving it to him in a bottle, and I loved it!! I don't know why?? You are meant to love breast feeding right? I love how I can look into his eyes, and snuggle/cradle him properly without hurting my back. I love watching him go all sleepy. However I dislike cleaning bottles,and pumping milk it takes a while. If only it was easy!!  I have started giving him some formula before his night sleep to see if he will sleep longer...(he only wakes once though, usually)
This was a few weeks ago now I am trying hard to breast feed again and since his cold has gone it has gotten a bit easier, I should be thankful that I am able to breast feed as I know it doesn't happen at all for some mothers. My plan is to breast feed until Charlie is 1 (or longer) But we will see what happens and I will go with the flow.

Charlie 31/2 months

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