Monday, 28 May 2012

Another busy weekend

Thursday 24th May
I took Jack to school, then came home and made a pavlova and tidied the house, then picked Jack up from school, then came home for an hour then dropped Jack and Charlie off at the inlaws shop- Sewknit for 21/2 hours while I went to Sanctum and had my spa treatment that Mr Miller had gotten me for my birthday and Christmas present!! (c: I was really looking forward to it and it was the best 2 and a bit hours ever!! first I had a foot scrub and soak, then an hour and a half hawaiian body massage then 1/2 hour facial, mmm it was bliss and smelled so good!
Nanna Sue came to visit then Poppa came after work and we had pizza for tea, we didn't have the pav for dessert as we were so full.

I went at 9.00 to the hairdresser to have the black colour stripped from my hair it took ages as they had to do it twice it was that dark then they put a brown/red colour through it and it does look so much better. I got home at 12 and put Charlie to bed as he wouldn't go to sleep for Nanna. We then had to go into town Nanna had an eye appointment at 1.30. The weather was terrible, ry cold, dark and looked like it was going to storm. While Nanna had her appointment Charlie, Jack and I went to Banjos for lunch. While we were sitting there Jack said 'lets have a chat', very cute(c: I said what will we chat about? he said spiders.... I wasn't sure how long Mum would be so we walked to Nanna Rob and Poppa Petes shop as I thought Charlie might need a bottle. As we were walking there Mum rang me to say she had finished so I said said meet me at the shop. When she got there Charlie seemed fine and we didn't have much more to do so I said lets get home and feed him there. I went with Charlie to take a library book back. Mum and Jack went to get some lunch for mum. On the way to the library it started pouring with rain I got drenched and Charlie got a bit wet too, poor thing he was crying:(
The rain didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon so I put a blanket over Charlie's pram, put my hood of my jacket on and ran to Myer and then saw mum and Jack about to cross at the lights. Jack liked getting wet as he crossed the road! We got home and I gave Charlie a bottle and put him to bed then I had to go out near the airport to pick up a parcel and I had to go to the grocery store. It hadn't stopped raining. I was so glad to get home and get dry. But I had to get organised as Poppa and Auntie Bec and Reuben were coming for tea, we had Poppa's fish and veg. I also made an apple crumble as the pav was only small. It was still raining. Mum and Dad were worried about thier place as last time it rained heavy for a long time water flooded into their garrage.

We had a lazy morning. I gave Charlie his first solids even though I didn't think he was ready yet. (That was the main reason mum came up to watch him have his solids) and he wasn't ready he couldn't care less about food, he didn't seem to want it, he wouldn't swallow it and kept gagging on it!

Poppa came while I took Jack to swimming lessons. Jack was awesome he has come such a long way. He was swimming a bit by himself, and was happy to go under and to the bottom to get a ring which he has been scared to do do previously. I wa so proud of him, especially since he has only been learning for one term. Next term he will go on a monday morning and will go in without me which I think he is ready for but I'm not sure how he will go without me.
Mum and Dad left after that to go back to St Helens(There place was fine, a little bit of water in the garrage and some ruts in their gravel driveway)
I had to get organised again as we were going to a fire cracker night at Mark and arahs place at Exeter(sarahs parents place). We took Uncle Dougie with us. It was a good night. They had a big fire, and we had some food then they did the foreworks. Charlie slept through the whole thing, Jack was in awe of them he just stared at them with his hands over his ears(they were very loud) then he put Mr Millers hands over his ears. As they were finishing Jack wanted to go home, he was very tired, Doug was going to stay and get a lift with Mark and Sarah. Jack cried and cried cause he wanted Uncle Doug to come "I want him to be in my family!" He kept saying(c: He he very cute. He was so sad on the way home we tried our best to distract him and it would work for a minute then he would start crying again saying I want Uncle Dougie in my family I want him to come home with us! He eventually fell asleep, but woke up when we got home and he perked up and was chatting away, he went to bed easily though at 9.00

Mr Miller-always frowning
Charlie watching the fire

Charlie sleeping through the noisy fireworks

We all went to Cube for breakfast at the Aqautic centre. When we got home Mr Miller thoroughly cleaned my car and I did LOADS of washing. Jack and Charlie had a restful day. Charlie had a turn in the jolly jumper-first time.

Phew another busy weekend!!

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