I have been asking myself a few questions lately...what is my role as a SAHM? How can I acheive more out of my day? Why aren't there more hours in a day? Or are there too many? Am I being too hard on myself?
So many questions that I guess I can only answer...
When I finished work 4 years ago (gee that has gone fast) 7 months pregnant with Jack, life was...good, simple. I was organised/clean/tidy. I was trying to fill in hours waiting for our little man to arrive. Nowadays there aren't enough hours in a day. I feel like life at the moment is going by so fast and I'm not acheiving anything.
When Jack was a baby I had time to sit and watch...play, journal, take photos/video, scrapbook, I started catching up with friends who had just had babies too.
Lately life is so busy, fast, weeks are going by. Charlie is already 7 months...7 months-when did that happen?
My week consists of swimming lessons for both boys, school 2 mornings a week, speech therapy, pre-kinder, lots of catch ups with friends, cleaning, cooking etc,etc. But yet after all that I feel guilty if we have a day at home...Why?
I feel like I am forever cleaning the house, picking up after everybody (including myself) yet the the house is never tidy/clean/organised.
I would love to be spending time doing more scrapbooking, baking, creating, sewing, exercise. But if I do these luxuries I also feel guilty that I'm not spending more of my time with the boys (as they are only little for a short amount of time, and soon won't want to spend time with me)
How do I find that balance of activities, me time, time with the boys and of course Mr Miller!!
As I finish writing this it is already 10.45 why aren't I in bed asleep knowing that Charlie is going to be awake for a bottle soon, and Jack will need to do a wee, wake scared from a dream then probably be awake from 6, and I struggle to wake up cause I haven't had enough sleep.
Well, I have answered one questions...there aren't enough hours in the day!!
Then the rush of the next day begins!!